They sent me an email today apologizing;

Scott –

I just saw your blog post about KSFY News crediting your site for the photo.  I never got the email you said you sent.  Do you know what address you sent it to?

Our intent was not to connect you to the story, rather credit your site for where we obtained the photo since we weren’t able to obtain one on our own.  We were attributing your site just like we would any other news outlet or source that has information we haven’t be able to confirm on our own.  We’ve attributed many other photos in the past, including viewer submissions, photos from radio stations, etc.  In the future, we will make a better attempt to contact you.

The photo of Carmen on her Facebook page is rather small, and you can’t get the larger version unless you friend her.  Obviously she still hasn’t responded to our friend request.  Plus, we don’t typically pull photos from Facebook pages unless we can confirm that the photo is in fact the person, or incident described in the photo is legitimate.  I have not met Carmen in person and no one in the newsroom at that time had either.  In the world of Facebook, who’s to say someone didn’t set up a fake page of Carmen.  Just trying to cover our bases.

Thanks for keeping us honest!  Take care.

Kevin King
News Director


KSFY needs to grow a brain, I sent this email to them this afternoon after seeing this on their website, which is still up;

I noticed you have my website as a byline under the picture of Carmen Toft. Not sure why? I want it removed. I got the picture of her from her Facebook page.

Not sure if they are trying to tie Carmen to my site or not? I have never met her in person, but I do like her and find it unfortunate that she had to drop out because of the incident. But more importantly KSFY needs to their research. Like most politicians you can go to their FACEBOOK pages and get a picture of them, like I did. I guess KSFY goes to blogs to get pictures, and they don’t read their emails. Maybe they will see this post when searching for another politician photo and fix the image.

By l3wis

13 thoughts on “UPDATED: Apparently I took this photo of Carmen Toft?”
  1. Maybe they hold you in such high esteem there is no need to go further to get the details.

  2. Come on Scott. Be an equal opportunity offender and whip us up one of your cartoons: an erratic driving, booze in hand crazed Tate with Planned Parenthood Emplyee of the year and Vote Tate and Tater for Tots bumper stickers on the car, chasing down a seven year old on bike. Caption reads “dammit ,this one thinks it can get away.”

  3. We still don’t have all the details. She refused a breathalizer which means they will determine her BAC by the blood test. Until I see what that is, we don’t know if she was legally drunk.

  4. Yes let’s suppress this, not rush to conclusions, not make anything of it just like we would if manny steel ran down down a lgtb kid. Are you kidding me???????? It has already somehow been hushed for a week.

  5. According to kelo she decided to drop out before this incident so says Ben husslerfluf . BS!

    You are to be commended for putting something about this on your blog even though you made it about a ksfy picture credit. Don’t hold your breath waiting for news of this on Madville. PAt powers did something on sandy jerstad maybe he will come out of retirement and put together a decent tater for tots cartoon

  6. South DaCola is a primary source for KSFY. Where is your check?

    Scott: Plenty of those in Pierre. That is why they give them free bus passes while in session.

  7. Maybe you’ve become the local AP. At least KSFY tries to cover local news. KELO only covers cats stuck in trees.

  8. I will give them kudos for apologizing, but I also agree, I am still waiting for my check.

  9. An attorney friend of mine, a defense lawyer, tells all her clients to refuse the breath-alyzer and request a blood test. The b-a has so many false positives it’s ridiculous. I don’t know anything about this incident, but refusing the b-a was smart.

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