South DaCola

Burning a hole in the city’s pocket

Boy, we can’t just let this money gain interest in an account, we gotta spend it!

The $4 million surplus in the city’s capital improvement projects budget likely will be spent on 11 projects that range from building upgrades, to street projects, to improvements at the Great Plains Zoo & Delbridge Museum.

At least the voice of reason is back, unfortunately were any of them listening?

But Councilor Kermit Staggers said the final list had no direct benefit to citizens. He had other suggestions about what to do with the money:

• Give it back to citizens through rebate checks similar to what Mayor Gary Hanson did;

• Ensure that there would be no property tax increases, or;

• Create a sales tax holiday where the city would refrain from collecting sales tax for a week or 10 days to generate publicity and business interest from outside the city.

“People-orientated, not just building projects,” he said.


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