I just attended the swearing in of new councilors at Carnegie.

How Big ‘T’ was able to get this picture was beyond me. I wondered why she asked me to where something nice?

28 Thoughts on “Congratulations to councilors Staggers, Anderson & Jamison!

  1. Pathloss on May 21, 2012 at 3:38 pm said:

    Once in awhile you take a good picture. Maybe just a coincidence but these happen to be the only council members who truly represent the people and support democracy.

  2. Helga on May 21, 2012 at 4:09 pm said:

    You are moving in fast circles now.

  3. l3wis on May 21, 2012 at 4:15 pm said:

    I think ‘T’ said it best about the picture, “These 3 men have worked hard sticking up for the citizens of Sioux Falls.”

  4. Craig on May 21, 2012 at 4:43 pm said:

    Hey L3wis – based upon your sleeves are you trying to be Crocket or Tubbs?

  5. As Mick Jagger once snarled, “you’re so respectable”.

  6. Theresa Stehly on May 21, 2012 at 5:46 pm said:

    Congratulations to our newly elected officials!! The three council members in the photo all have track records of standing up for the citizens, and courageously defending integrity in city government. (Case in point–Their defense of City Clerk Debra Owen.) I have found each of them to be responsive and available to the public . They have common sense and experience . We are Blessed to have them serve us. BEST WISHES TO YOU!! Theresa Stehly

  7. Dukembe on May 21, 2012 at 6:17 pm said:

    That’s very cool.

  8. “Hey L3wis – based upon your sleeves are you trying to be Crocket or Tubbs?”

    To be honest with you I have always loved the ‘houndstooth’ design. This is one of those jackets that I picked up a thrift store, my only suit jacket. The sleeves are to long for me, so I jacked them up.

  9. Joan on May 21, 2012 at 9:22 pm said:

    Not to be a wise guy, but you could shorten the sleeves. lol Although that isn’t the type of sleeve I would like to shorten.

  10. Dan Daily on May 22, 2012 at 7:19 am said:

    300 years from now when democracy comes to Sioux Falls, this picture could become representation like for freedom associated with western South Dakota. It will be a red granite mountain representing key people who fought to overturn Home Rule anarchy. Anderson (Lincoln) represents minorities. He’ll finally emancipate minimum wage poverty and impoverished Indians. Staggers (Washington) represents the figurehead statesman who led the battle for independence. Jamison (Jefferson) will draft new ordinances that I (John Hancock) will proudly sign. Ehrisman (Roosevelt) will be the outside rough rider citizens needed while we endured persecution and corrupt government. Note the glasses.

    Just Saying. Make this a political cartoon and post it in the Argus.

  11. Pathloss on May 22, 2012 at 7:36 am said:

    Maybe the Argus if/when it becomes free press. I’m sure Lewis can photoshop the order and come up with a cartoon for here. Theresa, you rock girl.

  12. Kermit Staggers on May 22, 2012 at 7:45 am said:

    Dan, I am honored that you would associate me with George Washington, one of my favorite presidents!

  13. The New Mount Rushmore

  14. Shrimp Taco on May 22, 2012 at 8:39 am said:

    Somebody, please tell Kermit to lay off the Just For Men. Seeing this picture, and watching TV interviews this week, reminded me of this funny:

  15. On 05.21.12 at 4:43 pm, Craig wrote: “Hey L3wis – based upon your sleeves are you trying to be Crocket or Tubbs?”
    _ _ _ _ _

    … anxiously awaiting the visage of L3wis, cruising on the sunlit waters of the Big Sioux in a 38′, twin 440 hp cigar boat.

  16. scott on May 22, 2012 at 6:44 pm said:

    “anxiously awaiting the visage of L3wis, cruising on the sunlit waters of the Big Sioux in a 38′, twin 440 hp cigar boat.”

    don’t give the city any more dumb ideas!

  17. “The New Mount Rushmore”


  18. Where’s Karsky?

  19. You had to go there? I do think Dean was a little sad he was not invited to be in the picture. But he hasn’t earned it.

  20. Poly43 on May 23, 2012 at 7:03 am said:

    Seeing this pic took me back about 50 years. There used to be a couple of softball diamonds located about where the water purification plant is on N. Minnesota. There was a real powerhouse fastpitch team that played there. I believe they were called Midwest Coast Transfer. One of the leaders of that team was an always smiling, true athlete, named Kenny Anderson. Loved to watch them play the game.

  21. Shrimp Taco on May 23, 2012 at 2:57 pm said:

    Q- Where was Karsky? A- Balming his lips for an ass kissing.

    When nominating his mentor, Diamond Jim, to be Council vice chair later on Monday, Karsky actually said (with a straight face), “His reputation, professionalism, communication and leadership by getting the job done speaks for itself.”

    So does his poor attendance at Council meetings. He even arrived late for the swearing in on Monday. Is there no leadership standard in local government any more?!?

  22. Being almost 40, lookin good with the big shots.

  23. Dan Daily on May 23, 2012 at 8:44 pm said:

    All Mt. Rushmore presidents died nearly impoverished. They achieved wealth during their lives but gave the end of their lives to the public. My favorite is Jefferson. He was called to Washington and never appreciated many times when he should have stayed home for business. He had slaves that lived nearly free in a small city environment at Mount Vernon. His life long love was a slave who gave him 3 children. He couldn’t marry her but wanted to. He died on July 4th 8 hours after John Adams.

  24. Pathloss on May 23, 2012 at 8:48 pm said:

    And Huether is getting richer and richer through public funds fraud.

  25. Atlas Shrugged on May 24, 2012 at 11:22 am said:


    To answer Craig: Id say you ought to go with “Tubbs” as your new online name. You & lazy butt Kenny make quite a pair; a pair that can’t get their jackets buttoned that is. Since you typically seem to be so interested in analyzing tips, here’s a tip 4u: A couple less cheeseburgers as your taking your many “breaks” from your hard labor as a whining waiter would lead to a couple less chins.

  26. l3wis on May 24, 2012 at 12:14 pm said:

    Maybe you should eat an integrity cheeseburger and comment using your full name.

  27. Atlas Shrugged on May 24, 2012 at 1:59 pm said:

    Integrity from you; that’s Priceless, Mr. l3wis, Detroit Lewis or should I refer to you as Scott today. Yeah, Ill use my real name just like Poly43 or the Guy from Gurnsey or Shrimp Taco or Dukembe or Pathloss or the rest of the losers that typically post here. Yep, you woe is me poor fat bloggers who always know half-ass of the real story and who cant wait to try to brag and clap for yourselves as you try patt yourselves on your big ol butts; yeah, that’s right, you and your little conspiracy clan here ALL ABOUT INTEGRITY. As Jimmy Rome likes to say (I think that really is him to), I’m out punk.

  28. I expected this very response. Heck I could have wrote it myself.

    Keep being a pussy.

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