Not to be a negative Nancy, but these two stories got me thinking;

FARGO – The revenue that was supposed to make Scheels Arena profitable never came. The mountain of debt cobbled together in a last-minute financing deal barely budged.

Oh, and one more;

The newest arena in the region, Kent’s ShoWare Center, has lost more than $1 million in its first three years. But city leaders remain optimistic about ShoWare, a key to downtown revitalization and Kent’s identity as the “capital of South King County.”

I had this ironically hilarious convo with a first time visitor to Sioux Falls from Minneapolis today at lunch who told me he couldn’t figure out why we wouldn’t build our CC and EC Downtown? I said, “Don’t even get me started.” There was much more to the convo, but I found it really funny that a first time visitor wondered why we would put these facilities in an undeveloped area.

By l3wis

15 thoughts on “Failed Events Center’s in our region”
  1. It’s amazing people who know nothing about Sioux Falls see the most. What a waste of prime opportunities, money and goodwill. Conventioneers and other out of towners want to be entertained. The will spend money when they are here if you give them a chance to spend it.

    Sioux Falls will hear this same story for the next 50 years. Gee why would they build this in the middle of an industrial park? There is nothing close by to do… Sioux Falls is so boring… You have to drive to do anything… All you have is a mall… You have a downtown? How do you get there? I haven’t seen any signs… Where is it again?

  2. Agreed. You can’t “accidentally” find the downtown here, you have to be looking for it. And to not put the EC downtown, what a waste! If the Mayor and other politicians think they are creating a “destination” with this EC they are sorely mistaken.

  3. hmmm, I see to remember a jaded local music critic making some of the same points these articles are stating.

  4. Triple M and Diamond Jim are the secret weapon we have that other cities don’t have. Those two will make the events center a success!

  5. Around the region and around the nation the refrain is the same – public arenas, stadiums, and event centers never make money. Rather they are vehicles to privatize profits while socializing costs, hold “home teams” hostage (build it or we’ll move the team to Timbuctu”, and enrich a handful of politicians and contractors. The fools pushing the SF event center cannot show us the audited books of 1 that made money or didn’t dearly cost their community.

  6. “Rather they are vehicles to privatize profits while socializing costs”

    Exactly. And it makes me sick.

  7. There is never a report of the Watertown Event Center. Is it close to being profitable or is the only profit going to the attached Ramkota/Minervas?

  8. John, I have attended endless meetings about the Sioux Falls Events Center over the past two and a half years. Your statement that it will be a vehicle to privatize profits while socializing the costs is one of the most accurate that I have heard!!

  9. I’ve really enjoyed events in downtown Sioux City and Bismarck at their events centers, patronizing local establishments before and after, and enjoying even the walk through their downtown areas a little. Too bad that ship has sailed…

  10. I’ve been reading about McArenas for quite some time now. This thing is going to fail. Just like they fail everywhere. We as a voting bloc listened to valley girls in search of justin bieber over a jaded local music critic. Onca again….money talks, the rest of it walks.

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