My SouthDaCola foot soldier from the west coast (former SF resident) checks in on the Phillips Avenue webcam from time to time to check out our weather. She sent me this screenshot tonight and was wondering what it was. I told her about the legendary ‘Curb Belly‘ and my guess it was them. The owner used to be a regular at a DT restaurant I used to work at, and his cohort was the chef there, very talented. I suggest you check them out. They make gourmet food truck eats.

One Thought on “Is that a ‘Curb Belly’ I see? (H/T- Helga)

  1. They are toast;

    • I’ve only eaten once at the new food truck in town, Curb Belly, but I can tell you I liked my three-meat sandwich very much. And the tater tot bowl was gluttony perfected. The team of Benjamin Markham and Faren Earring has recently split, with Markham continuing with Curb Belly, and Earring planning to start another food truck, Curb Side Diamond, soon. Here’s to hoping both food truck businesses make it because I love the idea of a lunch/late night stop, and for me and other eaters, two is better than one!

    • And lastly, though there has been no change to their “closed until further notice” stance, the below picture my friend Andy Wingert posted to his Facebook wall today and allowed me to share with you (thanks Andy!) shows a moving truck outside New York Express Pizza with equipment being hauled out. Can’t have a pizza joint w/o a pizza oven and the like. So there’s a little closure on that one.

    (My sidenote: I knew the Ben – Faren team wouldn’t last, we won’t get into that, like I said, I know both of them and their work ethics- sigh). Let the food truck wars begin!

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