UPDATED: I was just told by the city clerk’s office there would be NO public input at this meeting,

“The Special Meeting is for a specific purpose and only covers those specific meeting topic(s).  The election of the chair and vice chair is an internal election among the eight Council Members to elect their own leadership.  No public input will be held on this item.”

I find this unfortunate that the public is not allowed to have a voice about the election of their council leadership.

Well not really. I have received no NEW information concerning SF City Council’s special Monday night meeting to elect chair and vice chair.

As it sits now only two councilors are vying for the two seats;

Michelle Erpenbach, Chair

Jim Entenman, Vice-Chair

I would like to essentially see Kenny Anderson Jr. as Chair and Kermit Staggers as Vice-chair. Obviously neither has the votes, but that may not be the real issue, it may come down to having the desire to serve in these positions.

As I understand it the new Chair and Vice-Chair will have a lot more duties (and have to spend a lot more time) then the other councilors due to the newly formed Operations and Legislative committees. (See document): operations-com

It’s unfortunate we had to replace a very talented city employee who wore many hats, with a multitude of committees, more council employees and more red tape.

I hope councilor Entenman understands his new role as Vice-Chair requires him to show up to some of these committee meetings, if not all of them. So I am asking ALL travel agents in Sioux Falls to not bug him over the next year, he’s got more important things to do besides building sand castles.

5 Thoughts on “UPDATED: Let the battle royal begin!

  1. hmr59 on May 19, 2012 at 4:48 pm said:

    I’m guessing that if Jim Harley gets the position, it won’t matter if he shows up – Mayor Subprime will have absolute control anyway, so what’s the point…

  2. It’s all about ‘what benefits me’. For Jim it is financial gain, for Huether it is about that, and political gain.

    Sometimes I wish my life was that boring.

  3. Pathloss on May 21, 2012 at 3:54 pm said:

    Public comment must be denied when nazi’s are recruited. Dissent is not welcomed when Huether is cementing his dictatorship. The council knows they must agree with his infered selection or they’ll get ethics complaints from police officers.

  4. Joan on May 21, 2012 at 9:27 pm said:

    It’s really pathetic when a person is only interested in political gain and to get that gain they lie to the public. These politicians really should wake up and realize there is more in life than political achievment and ruining things for the people that they lied to.

  5. l3wis on May 22, 2012 at 2:03 pm said:

    I found out yesterday that the council chair (Sue) is the one who decided against public input.

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