“Who even has a body like that?!”

Okay, you often see images of models in the grocery store magazines, and think to yourself, “This shit doesn’t exist in real life.”

Well, tonight, I saw it.

I won’t even describe the outfit (which was modest to a point), or the girl’s body, that’s for some smutty magazine.

But when I pointed her out to one of my (Male) co-workers, he titled this piece.

S. L. Ehrisman (c) 5/19/12


8 Thoughts on “(not such an) Ugly Table #66

  1. rufusx on May 19, 2012 at 11:39 am said:

    Not only does exist in real life, but is much more approachable and engaging than one might imagine (speaking from experience).

  2. l3wis on May 19, 2012 at 11:51 am said:

    I would agree, her and her friend were sitting at a big table and they were asked to move to the bar, and she was extremely friendly.

    The funny part is that I think about half the men in the place got whiplash when she walked in. As for her outfit, it had a little to do with the situation. While casual, and not slutty, it looked like something you would wear on a beach, but I didn’t see anybody telling her that.

  3. Muqhtar on May 19, 2012 at 12:00 pm said:

    “This thread is worthless without pics.”

  4. l3wis on May 19, 2012 at 12:05 pm said:

    Gawd, I wish I could have taken a picture!

  5. I had a similar experience at the grocery store last weekend. This woman was just perfect, unlike any woman i’ve ever seen in this town. She was dressed in a way that accentuated her beauty, but like you described was not slutty in any way. I was speechless.

  6. l3wis on May 19, 2012 at 12:16 pm said:

    The ironic part was I don’t think she knew how hot she was, on top of that, she was kinda plain, and very confident of her body. I haven’t seen a woman expose that much of her midriff in a drinking or eating establishment in years.

  7. rufusx on May 20, 2012 at 12:39 am said:

    Doesn’t your place have surveliance cameras???

  8. Yeah, we do, they are directed at the tills not the frills.

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