Yup, you saw correctly. $342,000 for monkey spas. I guess the new toilets for them weren’t enough to make them happy. I also see we are gonna dump another cool mil into the River Greenway. Woo-Hoo! More landscaping for private business (oh, but we get a bike trail) DOCUMENT: 4mill

One Thought on “SF City Council’s May 21, working session – a bunch of monkeying around

  1. l3wis on May 25, 2012 at 8:02 pm said:

    I also think the ‘Snow Monkey’ exhibit would be a great opportunity for a private sponsor. On top of that, why isn’t the Superlative group working on some naming rights options for the zoo? I am getting the feeling that the business community is getting disenfranchised by the mayor and Darrin Smith, and they don’t want to do business with the city, that is why the zoo had to come begging to the city for monkey spas.

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