Besides wondering where the money is going to come from to build an indoor pool (some estimates are at $22 Million) I will bring up again, my main reason I am opposed to a public indoor pool; we don’t need it. There are several private indoor pool facilities you can swim at for a membership fee, just like a public indoor pool would charge. Why compete with private industry? The only way I would be for a public indoor pool was if the city contracted the service (like they do with the city’s golf courses). If the ‘need’ is there, the city will make money from the pool.

By l3wis

18 thoughts on “The city just won’t give up on an indoor pool”
  1. There are no 50 meter pools any where in Sioux Falls or my understanding, in South Dakota, so in order to swim competitively there in no place to do it. The city should not be competing with private business. There should be no city run water parks of any sort. The city could find a way to encourage a private source to build what is missing and not build more of what is already being provided.

  2. Is there any type of membership fee help for low income children? Aren’t the local summer outdoor pools free in SF?

  3. I’m glad you bring this up, because it is something I wanted to mention in the post. I have often felt that the real push behind an indoor public pool is so poor kids and poor seniors can have a place to swim in the winter for free or discounted.

    I will say this, I am a supporter of public education, welfare and food stamps. Something I struggled with for a long time, but have come to terms with it. But I have never felt subsidizing the recreation of poor kids is a taxpayer burden.

    To tell you the truth, I don’t know how to swim, and I don’t think it has ever made me a lesser person, or that I have missed out on anything.

    So poor kids can’t swim for free in the winter? So what? Give them a free pass to the library instead, oh, that’s right, they already do have one, just like everyone else. I suggest they use it.

  4. I won’t get started on this topic, at this time. My apartment is less than 1/2 block from one of the two outdoor pools in the apartment complex and I have yet to see any kid do actual swimming in it.

  5. My kids absolutely love to swim and I fully support this venture. It is an activity that every age can enjoy and benefit from and once again, do we really need another pool that can be used only 10 weeks out of the year? If it is time for Spellerberg to be redone – it is time for it to be something that can be used year around and can add additional revenue with swim meets etc.

  6. Actually, I don’t think it’s free to swim in the public pools during the Summer, so it probably wouldn’t be free during the winter either.

    I seems silly that a city this big doesn’t have a public pool for Winter use. I support them building it at Spellerberg. It will create a few jobs and provide some traffic to the businesses at Park Ridge Mall.

  7. Seems like an indoor pool would be a perfect addition to Sanford’s new complex up by the airport (privately financed, of course).

  8. I agree Tom, it could be a public/ private partnership. I’m okay with that, as long as the place breaks even or makes money. Like I have said, if there is a ‘NEED’ it will make money.

  9. I would be willing to bet an indoor pool wouldn’t allow scholarships for the low income kids. It would have to be reserved for the important people in town and the snow fox.

  10. Joan, I have often thought that the indoor public pool is ‘ALL ABOUT’ giving the poor and elderly a place to swim. I actually agree with the Snowfox swim team, if you are going to build this, at least make part of it a competitive pool so it gets some kind of practical usage.

  11. This is a worthwhile project for the City as it was back when it was first proposed. We should have place that can be used year-round recreationally and at the same time provide a spot for competitive swimming and diving practice and meets. Spellerberg has been well used for decades and will continue to be, let’s not piss away another opportunity to make a positive change in a neighborhood that can certainly use it.

  12. Obviously you’ve never been to the Scamford Wellness center on a weeknight. There’s usually a line of people waiting just to get a chance to swim laps.

    4 lap lanes is clearly not enough for a city the size of SF, which is why I dropped my membership there.

    I’d welcome an indoor public pool just so I could swim in the winter.

  13. Ben, you are right, I have not. I don’t know how to swim, so I have never stood in a line to do so. But, if this ‘need’ truly exists, like you say, then it would be a profitable venture for the city.

  14. profitable, l3wis…….???

    How long does it take to recoup 18-20 million dollars?

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