South DaCola

The ‘Real’ drama comes from the mayor

Had to chuckle after watching this interview on KSFY last night. Towards the end of the Staggers/Huether interview, Mike says he doesn’t like ‘Drama’;

“I am not a big fan of gamesmanship. I don’t like posturing. I don’t like the politics, you know, if you’re just going to grandstand, that is not good.” Mayor Huether says he is not a political bully and is always open to discussing differences with council members, he says Kermit Staggers will be no exception.
But Huether makes it clear; he expects Staggers to work for the city and to work with him…not against him…and that he does not want drama at Carnegie Town Hall. “Lets leave the grand standing and the politics to Washington DC. You see what those folks are doing out there and you see the anxiety and the stress that its caused the people of our state and our country. Lets leave that crap out there in DC. We have stuff we want to get done in our town.”

You mean, like crying in front of the cameras? Is that the kind of ‘Drama’ you are talking about? Let’s talk about crap, there should be a boot scrape outside your office so people can clean their shoes when they leave.

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