I was going to post about this the other day, but I see Cory Madville has done a much better job.

I think this story coming out just days after I asked what the SF Arts Council does is ironically funny;

Culture means money.  That’s the message from a study released Tuesday by the Sioux Falls Arts Council.

The 2010 study found that non-profits and the arts generate more than $35 million in economic activity in Sioux Falls.  They also create 1,300 jobs and raise $1.4 million for local governments.

“They are investing in an industry that supports jobs, generates revenue and is a cornerstone of tourism. The report shows that the arts mean business,” Tim Hoheisel with the Sioux Falls Arts Council said.

The study was directed by Americans for the Arts. It shows that the tourism dollars generate more than $30 million of local income.

I guess we know one thing, the SF Arts Council has been successful at reading studies and forwarding that information to the media. YAY!


3 Thoughts on “Arts economic impact on our community

  1. Bond Perilous on June 21, 2012 at 7:43 pm said:

    Here’s a link to a video of an interesting symposium on the importance of culture to cities. It’s long, but if ya have the time…check it out.


  2. Rinpoche on June 23, 2012 at 7:13 pm said:

    How is it that you know so little about art in Sioux Falls? Why do you hate art so much? If you had bothered to actually read the article you would know that everything you wrote makes you look like a complete moron. Seriously dude, you look about as intelligent as a teabagger right now. I feel sorry for you and your deep, deep ignorance. What’s it like to live your life inside a bubble of fear and hate?

    The Sioux Falls Art Council spent the last two years conducting the study. Pull your head out and do some actual reading:


    The timing of the article isn’t “ironically funny.” You are just totally clueless.


  3. l3wis on June 23, 2012 at 8:37 pm said:

    I suggest you read the 2011 financial report and see how much ‘money’ was spent from the total operating budget of the SF Arts council on ‘actual’ arts programming.

    I will be posting about this shortly.

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