South DaCola

City moves forward on monkey hot tubs and texting ban

The new photo of our current city council

You sometimes wonder if anyone at city hall is in touch with the local-yokals. This was pretty evident at the ribbon cutting today of the River ‘Millions over budget’ Greenway project. But I am going to give that it’s own post.

Second reading of spending the 4 million dollar surplus is on Tuesday’s agenda;

This of course includes the expenditure for the monkey hot tubs (that should be privately funded);

Apparently we have so much money sitting around in Sioux Falls, this seems like a great way to spend it. Here’s the deal. Nothing against zoos or young families, but when I see lines of people outside of food banks and food giveaways at churches I think using taxpayer money to build spas for monkeys is ludicrous and ridiculous. Like I said, I think the snow monkey exhibit will be awesome, but it should be privately sponsored. If you disagree with me, I ask you, how much have you donated privately to the zoo? I wonder if Darrin Smith also screwed up this naming rights deal?

I also see the Public Services Committee is exploring the texting ban, even though several educated law enforcement officials have told them this is a state law issue;

(a) No person shall use or have in their immediate physical possession a handheld electronic communication device while operating a motor vehicle or a bicycle on a street or highway within the city limits of Sioux Falls.

Like I have said in the past, I dislike people who do this kind of stuff, but this is a state law issue, not a local issue.



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