(Image: KELO-TV)

And it is waaaaay better then the job she had with the city;

Former Sioux Falls City Clerk Debra Owen has found a new job as the in-house counsel for state Bureau of Personnel, soon to be renamed the Human Resources department for state government.

There’s some irony to that. The human resources department in Sioux Falls was partially responsible for a botched personnel investigation for which Owen was blamed.

Owen will draft legislation and administrative rules, as well as represent the department at the Capitol during legislative session.

I still think it is sad that we lost such a great talent like Debra, because of bloated egos and hubris. I applaud Debra for getting back in the saddle, just try to stay as far away from the SOS’s office as possible.

5 Thoughts on “Debra Owen lands a new job

  1. Testor15 on June 19, 2012 at 4:36 pm said:

    Debra, keep appropriate SOS distance until Gant needs your help finding qualified staff to run the office. In fact the governor may need your search help to locate a qualified replacement for Gant’s position.

    Good Luck, it’s nice to see ciry hall people fail up the ladder, LOL. We’re pulling for you!

  2. Anne on June 19, 2012 at 9:12 pm said:

    Congratulations, Debra!

  3. Oh, C’mon, we all know she will only have this job until Huether become Governor . . . BAHAHAHAHAHA!

  4. Randall on June 20, 2012 at 5:54 am said:

    OT – today’s problems for labor began way back in the 80’s when they scraped PERSONNEL off of the door and painted on HUMAN RESOURCES.

    …when we went from “persons” to “resources”.

  5. Pathloss on June 20, 2012 at 5:19 pm said:

    It’s a good interrum position, congratulations. We’ll need a mayor to repeal Home Rule and restore constitutional democracy. Debra is best and should run but we must watch Huether loot the city first. Huether for governor is never going to happen. The Birch Society is on this now and exposing Huether is their objective.

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