Yesterday afternoon I was sitting in a lawn chair enjoying a refreshing peach iced tea with a couple of (nerdy political) friends in the beautiful 93 degree weather. We of course were sitting in the shade.

The topic of conversation? Elections. Yeah, I know, not exactly what most people talk about on a nice day like yesterday.

I brought up that there are some on the city council (Jamison, Staggers and Karsky) that truly want to fix the musical precincts, and the wheels will be set in motion soon. But we know how slow those wheels turn.

So one of the ‘Super Friends’ suggested that if the council and the county auditor don’t want to fix the back and forth of municipal elections, we should just fix it.

I said, “How?!”

They responded, “A petition drive.”

I am a bit gun shy when it comes to petition drives, but I don’t think any group that would pursue it would have a problem collecting signatures. There are so many people frustrated with the constant changes when it comes to precincts and voting in Sioux Falls, that I think they would have no problem collecting enough signatures.

The bigger question is if it gets on the ballot, how many precincts would be open to vote on it 🙂

Here is a recap of the email I sent out to elected officials;

Normally I do not email my elected officials, especially the entire city council, the county commission, the school board, the mayor, the city clerk and the county auditor all at once, but I did a recent post about the ‘musical precincts’ this city continues to play with elections and the mass confusion it has on voters. It’s time you all sat down in a room and figured out a standard already, this has gone on long enough!

Here is a PDF of the responses I haven’t gotten so far: precincts

Notice only two county commissioners responded and four city councilors (Jamison responded by phone). I’m still waiting to hear from the county auditor, school board, city clerk and mayor. I’m not holding my breath.

5 Thoughts on “Musical Precincts

  1. Alice15 on June 11, 2012 at 7:45 am said:

    I am glad you have responses – but leave it to Karsky to add “your house of worship” to the email. True Christians lead their life as such each day – they don’t have to include it in emails, FB posts, etc. Karsky is notorious for this. If you have to “post” your Christian life (which way too many people do on FB and then lead their life differently) – then your actions must be lacking.

  2. l3wis on June 11, 2012 at 9:21 am said:

    I don’t think he ‘gets it’ when it comes to public service. I’m still waiting for him to ‘snap out of it’ like Jamison finally did, but we may have to wait awhile.

  3. testor15 on June 11, 2012 at 9:29 am said:

    I believe all politics and politicians should never have any mention of a religion or religious point of view. A person’s very being should speak louder than the words spoken to a crowd.

    We are a secular society and government allowing all views to be expressed. The chuch state systems of old Europe were based on oppression of the powerless through religion. This oppression led the founding fathers to create a system able to change with society.

  4. Craig on June 12, 2012 at 12:35 pm said:

    Actually I’m pretty impressed with the responses you have so far. None of them are “canned” responses, and it seems like everyone has a sincere interest in the issue.

    Then again, those who disagree with you, or who think the issue isn’t important are likely the very same who didn’t bother to respond. Either way glad to see that some of them think this is an issue worth pursuing.

  5. I was happy with the responses to.

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