South DaCola

RCJ Editorial board slams the SOS’s office (HT- Guest Poster)

“OH, SHIT!” (SOS, Jason Gant, KDLT image)

It is about time a legitimate newspaper in SD call a spade, a spade;

Gant said he asked Powers to close down the Dakota Campaign Store because it had become a distraction.

It’s more than a distraction; it’s a conflict of interest.

Yeah, no kidding!? I love how the MSM media in SD besides the RCJ, Mercer, and an Argus ‘mandated’ Blog have’nt touched this with a 10-Foot Pole. I’m not trying to get ‘cool points’ on this issue. The blatant conflicts and corruption is so obvious, you would think any, and every media source in SD would be terrorizing the AG’s office for a decision from a speedy investigation.

Nope. Not how it works in SD. We must be polite. And ignorant. And subservient.

I will say this, if nothing happens from the AG’s investigation, that won’t be the last of it. There are many national news organizations salivating at the chance to expose the ‘good old boy’ system in SD. I would prefer we stay modest and handle this internally, but, yah never know.


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