Deets from the Romney circle-jerk this past weekend;

If you’re like  most of America, maybe you spent this summer weekend barbecuing.  Not super-rich Republican donors, conservative thinkers and GOP elective officials. They were in beautiful Park City, Utah, where presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney hosted a fundraiser / policy brainstorming session / salon for everybody who is anybody in the Republican party.

I wonder if Ironic Johnny Thune-Bag was asked to flip burgers like he did in Murdo as a teenager?

7 Thoughts on “Should I puke now or later?

  1. Well at least they are brainstorming and not “Fundrasing” all over the country..

    Obama Schedule || Tuesday, June 26, 2012

    9:05 am || Departs Boston
    11:15 am || Arrives Atlanta
    1:25 pm || Delivers remarks at a fundraiser; Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel
    2:10 pm || Appears at a fundraiser; Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel
    3:35 pm || Departs Atlanta
    5:10 pm || Arrives Miami
    5:45 pm || Attends a fundraiser; private residence
    8:30 pm || Delivers remarks at a fundraiser; The Fillmore Miami Beach at the Jackie Gleason Theater
    9:45 pm || Departs Miami
    12:10 am || Arrives Washington

    All times Eastern

  2. l3wis on June 28, 2012 at 8:45 am said:

    I heard an interesting story about Noem the other day. A foot soldier told me that one of his relatives is a political science major, and kinda a political nerd. He was curious as to when the next time Noem would be home in Castlewood and if she was making any public appearances, he wanted to talk to her IN PUBLIC. He of course left his name, etc. with her office. Well the secret service or FBI, can’t remember who, bum rushed his home. They of course found nothing and no charges were filed. But I found it very bizarre. So I guess if you call your reps and ask when they are available for public questioning you get a friendly visit from the SS. And everyone thinks ‘1984’ was a fictional tale.

  3. l3wis on June 28, 2012 at 8:46 am said:

    Like I said, I would like to hear more deets on his convo with her office.

  4. Testor15 on June 28, 2012 at 2:36 pm said:

    C if you read the article mentioned and other media reports it is “a fundraiser / policy brainstorming session / salon”. As in we are brainstorming to raise
    $400 million dollars more or about $1 billion dollars to spend against the Dems.

    It was not brainstorming as in policy but in shakedown for more cash.

  5. l3wis on June 28, 2012 at 4:36 pm said:

    He is the incumbent, no doubt he has raised more money. While I was a Hillary Clinton supporter, I do think Obama has tackled some big issues successfully. Healthcare needed to be addressed, while I don’t agree with all of the results of the bill, he took it on. He also got us out of Iraq, stopped torture, and took out Osama Bin Laden. Mitt Romney scares the living shit out me.

  6. rufusx on June 29, 2012 at 11:05 am said:

    Romney is the political equivalent of a news “reader” vs. a news reporter. Hew will repeat WHATEVER is put in front of himin scriot format – and make it sound – AS IF – he “knows” what he’s readign about. Get him off script – he’s a fish without fins.

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