South DaCola

Super Homan’s contract to become public Monday

It is like the Heaven’s opened wide. On Monday, Homan’s contract will be available to view online (I will dig up the link on Monday), because the state legislature changed state law to make this happen. As you know, Pam wasn’t going to let anyone see it. That’s all changed now.

Simons said that even if Homan wanted to release her own contract, the law would not allow it, because “in South Dakota, personnel files belong to the employer.”

Also, as DaCola reported a couple of years ago, there are no incentives for substitute teachers in Sioux Falls. Not only have they not increased their pay in several years ($90 per day – no benefits) they are now telling subs they must sub AT LEAST 8 times a year or they will be removed from the roster. Of course retired teachers are exempt from this rule.

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