South DaCola

Thanks for the compliments

It used to be I was scoffed by many people, angry conspiracy theorist and all. But over the past year I have gotten nothing but positive feedback, donations and encouragement, and not just from people I know, but readers and commenters.

Several commenters have even came ‘out of the closet’ and have approached me in public and told me their screen names.

This is what I have wanted South DaCola to be, a platform for information you won’t get from the local media. A vent for citizens.

I have made incredible friends that I never would have imagined. People passionate about integrity and open government. People expecting top notch customer service from their elected officials. And honesty.

In fact I actually enjoy the criticism more then the compliments. It keeps me on my toes and makes me look in the mirror, much more then I want to.

Now for the compliments. I met a South DaCola reader about a month ago and she sang praises about my site. I recently ran into her again, and she said something that almost made me cry.

“What you do is so wonderful, never stop!”

She said some other things to, that made me blush a bit.

The best part was a comment she made to me that I have turned into a joke;

‘What’s the difference between a SD Democrat and a Minnesota Republican?’



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