SOOOOOOOOOOOO, John isn’t being considered for Vice President?

Fresh off the best fundraising stretch of his presidential campaign, Mitt Romney plans to spend this weekend strategizing and fraternizing with his biggest bundlers at a posh resort in Park City, Utah.

The presumptive Republican nominee and his senior advisers and aides are hosting two days of policy sessions and campaign strategy discussions at the Deer Valley resort for more than 100 top fundraisers and their spouses. Those who raised more than $100,000 are expected to attend.

More than a dozen Republican heavy-hitters are scheduled to join the private retreat as special guests. According to a fundraiser who is attending, they include some GOP stars thought to be in contention to be Romney’s vice presidential running mate: Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.), Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Sen. John Thune (S.D.).

Don’t eat all the cocktail shrimp.



9 Thoughts on “Vice President Ironic Johnny Rachel Thune-Bag? (H/T – Helga)

  1. Analog Kid on June 21, 2012 at 5:49 pm said:

    What a joke… I am happy to see many republicans I know who in the past have supported Thune when they believed in the fake war on terror. Now many say he stands for nothing other than playing the game, just a waste of space which is what the establishment wants.
    Think about it – if you have a puppet as your presidential nominee, wouldn’t you expect the vice president choice to be a yes man of the same caliber?

  2. Lemming on June 22, 2012 at 12:41 am said:

    Really? Like this is something new? If they’re in Washington its all ‘pay to play’. Everyone is bought and owned. Throw out a name of anyone serving over 2 weeks and there is going to be dirt – speakin’ of puppets…

    -President Obama stands to rake in some $6 million in campaign donations next month when actor and White House regular George Clooney hosts a fundraiser at his home for 150 of the President’s supporters- the cost? $40,000 a plate!

  3. anominous on June 22, 2012 at 8:00 pm said:

    Groomed! It’s about time!

  4. Helga on June 22, 2012 at 10:44 pm said:

    $40,000 a plate is cheap compared to the ticket price for a weekend with Mitt. $50-250k gets you in the door and if you have bundled more money then you get briefings with Mitt up close and personal.
    And just think time with Thune and Bobby Jindal. A dream come true no doubt. BYOB it’s Utah.

  5. l3wis on June 22, 2012 at 11:47 pm said:

    Imagine that!? Mayor Huether got to sit at a table with Romney at the chamber dinner, and he wasn’t charged a dime. But I also heard, Romney had nothing to say to anyone at the table.

  6. Testor15 on June 23, 2012 at 7:25 am said:

    ThuneBag is partying in Utah this weekend with his masters: “It’s going to be a big weekend in the world of big conservative money: Both Mitt Romney and billionaire industrialist brothers David and Charles Koch are holding hush-hush events with wealthy donors designed to keep the dollars coming in.”

  7. Pathloss on June 23, 2012 at 12:13 pm said:

    Kinda looks like Jennifer Anniston

  8. Pathloss on June 23, 2012 at 12:17 pm said:

    Just keep Repo-kins minds off Pailin. Dress Thune in drag before you bring back that rodeo queen.

  9. l3wis on June 23, 2012 at 9:20 pm said:

    “Kinda looks like Jennifer Anniston”

    LOL! It is her hair. I had a joke awhile back that Thune needed to get a haircut like Noem ‘The Rachel’

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