South DaCola

Why is the city switching consultants on naming rights for the EC?

And what happened to the $60,000 we gave to the Superlative Group (FF to 54:00)? PDF of Presentation: naming

And still, the grand mystery of naming rights;

The city council will also have to make a multi-million dollar decision involving naming rights for the facility.

The city isn’t saying much about that process, only that progress to secure a sponsor is being made.  They hope to have something in place by August, ahead of the groundbreaking.

Like I said above, what happened to Superlative, why are we using Legends now? Kermit asked about the Superlative agreement, and Smith said that they were similiar, but all Superlative did was ‘evaluate’ if our opportunities for naming rights was there – then Legends moves forward on the naming rights.

Huh? As Kermit said, Why not just use Superlative to do the naming rights since they did the evaluation? Darrin said they changed their minds and chose another firm. Then Erpenbach accused Staggers of ‘asking too many questions.’ WTH? Then she said he asked four questions and no one else asked any questions, then nobody does, except Rolfing making a statement and Jamison making a few comments.

I guess someone overheard Erpenbach telling Staggers after the meeting there is a procedural rule that limits them to two questions. I hope Staggers looks into this, because that is a load of crap.

The best part of the meeting was when Huether came up and told Staggers that he basically needed to play catchup and he could question any of the directors anytime he wanted to (in other words, not in a public meeting). Kermit responded that he felt it was a very good meeting with lots of interaction (in other words, we need to ask these questions in public.)

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