South DaCola

UPDATED: As I suspected, Powers resigns

I still hope the investigation continues in the SOS’s office, as many people have pointed out, these are mostly Gant’s mishaps, not Pat’s. If this is some game to stop the investigation, I hope the AG isn’t tricked so easily;

Embattled Secretary of State employee Pat Powers has resigned.

Powers, who worked on online and technological innovations for Secretary of State Jason Gant, had been criticized for allegedly continuing private, election-related business activities at the same time as he was employed by Gant.

At the request of state Sen. Stan Adelstein, R-Rapid City, Attorney General Marty Jackley is investigating accusations that Powers behaved improperly in the Secretary of State’s office, as well as other accusations against Gant.

Before working for Gant, Powers ran a popular conservative blog, the South Dakota War College.

In a statement, Gant thanked Powers for “his efforts in helping modernize this office and advancing the common goal of making it more transparent.”

Gant said Powers was resigning to “spend more time with his children and pursue business opportunities in the private sector.”

UPDATED: It seems the spin doctors are already hard at work;

Joel Rosenthal, a former head of the South Dakota Republican Party who also blogs about politics, said Powers’ time on that feisty, combative blog might be behind some of the criticism he received working for Gant.

“It seems that Sen. Adelstein has other motives that allegedly go back to what he feels the War College blog (attacked) him some years ago,” Rosenthal said. “This is maybe some kind of payback, vendetta.”

Adelstein insisted that his complaints aren’t about vengeance.

Last I checked Joel, vengeance is about spite and being intentionally hurtful to others. This sometimes includes saying things about people that are not truthful. Stan simply pointed out the truth about Powers. Pat WAS running a campaign consulting business while working for Gant and Pat DID sell campaign materials to a candidate that Gant endorsed in the primaries. How is pointing something out like this being ‘intentionally spiteful’?

Joel obviously comes from the ‘When you point out the truth, and it is ugly, you are being negative’ crowd. I get so sick of that boloney. Lying and lacking integrity is NEVER positive. Stan pointed out the truth, and it stung.



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