South DaCola

Big T’s Thumbs Up

Thumbs up to those  “SECOND PLACE” Journalists that RANDELL BECK referred to in his Column in Sunday’s Argus Leader (July 15). He did not mention these “Free News Sources” by name, but we can assume he means KSFY, KDLT, KELO and the Bloggers. We are grateful in our community for the wide availability of coverage that we get from our TV reporters and our internet bloggers. With a town of this size however, there is a potential for MORE media competition for the AL and the local TV stations.  While I have a great respect for many of the reporters at the AL, citizens in Sioux Falls feel that there is a need for a more investigative, in-touch and an unbiased source for our local and state news.  This is a business opportunity waiting to happen for the right investor.

Thumbs up to RICK KNOBE on KSOO’s Viewpoint University for his interview with city councilman GREG JAMISON last Monday. Rick has 3 hours of prime time radio coverage most days of the week, and occasionally he facilitates interviews that are gutsy, informative and of great value to the citizens.  This was one of them. We need more of this kind of “Serious, issue oriented, hard- hitting” Talk Radio for the people of Sioux Falls. Involving the local citizens more in the discussion would also be very interesting for the listeners. The topic of the day last Monday was the reworking of the city employees’ pension plans.  This is a very difficult topic for both the public employees who are trying to protect their future financial security, and the rest of us, who are also concerned about making ends meet.  Ironically, later that week, the national media reported stories about the plight of the cities of Scranton, Pennsylvania and San Bernardino, California.  Scranton dropped the salaries of all City employees to minimum wage and San Bernardino is in bankruptcy. Apparently, the city officials knew of the risks for years, yet left the public in the dark. We need to pay very close attention to what we are spending out tax dollars on, and how much debt we are accruing. Giving blind trust to our civic leaders is reckless.

A Big thumbs up to citizen TIM STENGA.  (Now HE would be a great guest on the KNOBE show). At a recent city council meeting, Tim suggested using GPS systems in city vehicles to monitor the efficiency and whereabouts of the city workers. Because of Tim’s great suggestion, MARK COTTER of the Public Works Department has implemented the trial of 2 of these devices in city trucks. This gesture of listening to public input and concerns, and acting upon them is what EXCELLENT CITY GOVERNMENT is about. Stay connected, responsive and accountable to the people. Way to go TIM!

Thumbs up to KELO-TV for their coverage on INSIDE KELO (SUNDAY July 15) on the drought situation. Some have felt in the past that KELO has a tendency to “soft shoe” or IGNORE difficult issues, but in this segment they asked the tough questions about the drought and the impact of Lewis and Clark on the several communities that have prepaid, but will NOT be hooked up to the system this summer.   Past stories about the effective prison ministry programs and the Rapid City flood have also been appreciated.

Thumbs up to the CITY OF TEA for implementing a NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH PROGRAM. We have had this in Sioux Falls for many years and will be putting on picnics this August 7.  Tea officials and residents are recognizing the need to make a conscious effort to know their neighbors and work to keep the town safe for children and residents alike. With the rise in burglaries, rapes and assaults happening in Sioux Falls, we would be wise to be proactive in reaching out to those around us and developing knowledge of who is living down the street. Caring about others is always a good thing.

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