South DaCola

Get ready for the numbing effects of data overload

Pat Powers is still in charge of Jason Gant’s campaign website . . . As a state employee? For your boss? Look at the website. This is part of building a narrative from Whois records and why laymen’s eyes glaze over into a dead man’s stare. When this data is compared to the data posted on May 9, 2012, the bigger story unfolds.

The last updates shown below to was June 27, 2012.  Take note of the change dates.  All during the time Bill Clay was on ‘vacation’.

Dakota War College is now located on servers controlled by The last domain update occurred to was June 26, 2012.  Pat is using a proxy service to hide the ownership and management contact for as of July 2, 2012. domain information was last changed on June 24, 2012. domain information was last changed on June 27, 2012.  Pat is using his email address as technical consultant for this site.

It keeps getting better…  Ownership and management of the website,, at 10:12am July 2, 2012 from Registry Whois

Technical Contact: Powers, Pat




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