South DaCola

Is Spellerberg Park big enough for an indoor pool?

(Click on image to enlarge)

I had a foot soldier send me this today;

The City has held two public meetings regarding the future of Spellerberg Park.

The Spellerberg MasterPlan includes:

Existing features that would be RETAINED:  Open Field, Playground, Shelter, Trees, Sledding Hill.

Existing features that would be RELOCATED:  Tennis Courts, Basketball Court, and Volleyball Area.

The question for the City from Day One has been……is the physical footprint of Spellerberg Park large enough to support the addition of an indoor aquatic center?

At the first public meeting (May 9th), the facilitators explained that the tentative plans drawn up by TSP include a lap/swimming pool, a separate leisure pool and a splash pad.  They went on to explain that there would be parking directly to the south of the aquatic center, AND that they were working with the VA on securing an agreement for additional “shared” parking. (See Masterplan Flyer)

At the second meeting (July 12th), the flyer that was handed out still indicated that a site advantage was secondary parking nearby (VA).  When questioned about this, Director Kearney said  secondary parking would not be included in the Masterplan.  I have it from a reliable source that the reason there will be no shared parking is because the VA has refused to sign the proposed agreement.

The fact that there was a need from the beginning of the planning process for “shared” parking is a “RED FLAG”!

If the physical “footprint” of the park is large enough to support an indoor aquatic center, why would you need a “shared” parking agreement with the VA?

At both public meetings, Director of Parks and Rec, Don Kearney, has emphazied no plans have been drawn up, that the City is only seeking public input at this point.  When in fact, indoor pool proponents and  representatives of the swim teams have met with the architect, TSP, to view tentative plans for an eight lane 50 meter olympic-size pool, a separate leisure pool, and a splash pad.  There will be a total of 203 parking spaces provided south of the facility.

As a point of reference, Drakes Springs Aquatic Center includes a four lane 25 meter pool, a current channel, and a spray park.  It is less than half the size of what is being proposed at Spellerberg.  There are 137 parking spaces adjacent to the pool with an additional 55 “shared” spaces across Fairfax Avenue next to the SkatePark, for a total of 192 spaces.

Does the City really believe that 203 parking spaces is going to support an indoor aquatic center at least twice the size of Drake Springs?

In addition, REMEMBER, this is a facility that will be open year round.  The MasterPlan does not even begin to address the parking needs for the sledding hill, tennis courts, basketball court, volleyball pits, playground, picnic shelter and ball field.

Residents in the surrounding neighborhoods (esp. to the North and East), business owners at Park Ridge, and the VA need to be paying close attention to this issue.  This is where park users will be looking to park when the 203 spaces in the the Park are already in use!!

I believe the City will either have to take more “green space” from the park  for parking needs, or abandon plans for an indoor aquatic center at Spellerberg.

The “physical footprint” of Spellerberg Park is not large enough to accommodate what is in the proposed MasterPlan and also provide adequate parking.


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