South DaCola

Let’s just overcharge you on property taxes so we don’t create more work for ourselves

“You mean we will have to talk about the budget next year to? This job sucks!” (Image: KELO-TV screenshot);

And $4 million sets the limit of how much the county can collect, but that does not mean the Commission will need that much.  Commissioner Cindy Heiberger thought it was better to aim high.

“This is a beginning.  If we opt-out for $1 million this year, are we going to be back in the same room next year doing the exact same thing?” Heiberger said.  “I just feel like if we opt-out for a lower amount, we’re going to turn around and be back here in a few years saying we’re just squeaking by.”

Cindy, I have news for you, you are an elected official – it is your job 1) to look out for the best interest of the taxpayers and 2) to work for us. You act like revisiting the budget next year would just be ‘too pesky’ for you. Please tell us why you wanted to be a public servant?

We experienced the same crap with the city and water rates, let’s just overcharge, then if we realize it is too much, we can simmer it down a bit.


Oh, and then there is this nice little tidbit;

During the 1.5 hour discussion, they opened up the meeting for public comment from taxpayers.  However no one voiced any concerns about paying higher property taxes.

Gee, McFly, I wonder why? Because most of those taxpayers are working during the time of your meeting.


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