South DaCola

Text Ban in SF, the city council will just not let it go

“Call me crazy, but doesn’t Roberts Rules and city charter trump the US Constitution?”

As mentioned in my last post about banning guns on city property, the mayor and city realized that city ordinance just didn’t have the ‘teeth’ to ban guns. This is what will happen with the text ban. Like I have said in the past, texting and driving is incredibly stupid and dangerous, but until state law changes to include distracted driving as an offense in an accident report, the ordinance is really unenforceable.

Councilor Erpenbach said this in the Public Services Meeting on Tuesday (FF: 25:00);

“Everyone around us is doing this and it’s crazy that we are not.”

No, it is not. ‘Crazy’ is not following your US and State constitution when implementing laws. While I commend the councilors enthusiasm on this issue, it is not within the city’s legal rights to implement this ban. I can’t believe this got pushed unto the council agenda . . . wait, yes I can.

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