South DaCola

Texting and Driving. Educate before Legislating.

As you know, some councilors on the city council are pushing to ‘make a statement’ about a texting and driving ordinance.

I will repeat this one more time. Texting and driving is stupid. But if certain councilors want to ‘make a statement’ about texting and driving, I suggest they put up their own money when the city gets sued over an unenforceable ordinance.

This is a state law issue, period.

The city has already lost in the SD Supreme court on code enforcement, red-light cameras and controlling VL casinos when it comes to city charter. They will lose AGAIN if they try to trump state law on texting and driving.

As a city councilor pointed out to me the other day, “Wouldn’t education make more sense?”

Ah, duh.

Educating drivers on the dangers of texting and driving far outweighs implementing an ordinance that 1) no one knows about and 2) the SFPD has basically said would be impossible to enforce.

So I challenge DaCola readers, come up with a billboard slogan that would get  driver’s attention on the dangers of texting and driving (the above graphic is my lame attempt.)

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