Apparently the mayor broke his elbow playing tennis, I tried to find the story, but it seems to have disappeared. Enjoy this Seinfeld clip instead. Playing tennis? GTFOOH!


By l3wis

8 thoughts on “The mayor is in ‘traction’”
  1. Mike Huether (Facebook):
    I tried to run down a ball at this weekend’s South Dakota Adult Open Tennis Tourney. A fence post stepped out in front of me to try and slow me down. The fence wins and my tennis, golf and shot put competitions are over for this season. Broken elbow and sleeping on Lazy Boy now! I will be back.

  2. Nice control. For cryin’ out loud – it’s a fence post and you’re damn near 50 – and from what I hear – not very good.

  3. “When I play, I play to win.”

    That’s the only thing that stood out to me in that article.

  4. My thought was that he was a little on the old side to be playing competitive tennis and especially in the kind of heat that we have been having. I heard about this on KTWB before I ever got out of bed this morning and thought there comes a time to slow down. I bet his wife really enjoys playing tennis with him if he only plays to win. Games are supposed to be fun. When the Nintendo WIIs first came out I was seriously thinking about getting one to use the bowling, tennis, etc. games, but then one day I tripped over my own feet walking across the living room and broke my arm, that little trip to the ER in an ambulance made me decide that if I had a WII I would probably hurt myself seriously. The reason for the ambulance is I had no other way to get to the ER.

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