South DaCola

Big ‘T’ gets out her message of sub teacher pay raises today

(Image: KELO-TV screenshot)

This of course is the real story in Stormland today, the grunts in the trenches, not the millionaires at press conferences kissing T. Denny Sanford’s ass when he didn’t even bother to show up;

“We are hoping to give the substitutes a voice within the district and get the same treatment as every other entity,” Theresa Stehly said.

Stehly is leading the initiative. She says substitute teachers haven’t seen a raise in six years while teachers and other employees have. She doesn’t believe the district is listening to their needs but thinks they’ll have a voice in numbers.

Of course, it didn’t stop another credit card company lackey, who happens to sit on the school board, talk about the ‘merit’ of a sub teacher pay;

“In this coming budget cycle we’ll look at substitute teacher pay again if it merits it we’ll act on an increase, maybe, for substitutes,” Morrison said.

Tragic, coming from a man who works for a company that got a taxpayer bailout while the execs in his company live high on the hog. Go away.


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