Young Adult Voter Awareness Event October 1st

Sioux Falls, SD (August 30, 2012) — Stump speeches will be sawed down, single letters surrounded by parentheses banned and party platforms will be shoes, not talking points.

Monday, Oct. 1 at 5-7pm

Icon Event Hall

402 N. Main Ave., Sioux Falls, SD

Sponsored by Click Rain, 605 Magazine, Mud Mile Communications and YPN/Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce, this free non-partisan shindig gives young adults a chance to meet with legislative candidates from the Sioux Falls area while enjoying free food, music, special appearances by Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty and the signature drink, the Girdonkephant. Focused on education, awareness and energizing young adults to learn about the issues that matter to them, party politics will be out with awesomeness winning the vote.

Additional Resources:
Media Kit


By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Get Your Girdonkephant On At The No Party Party”
  1. While I still have my reservations about Click Rain being involved, because of their extreme partisanship, I still may attend.

  2. I like this idea. I’d like to get to know more of the local issues and the people surrounding them.

  3. Nationwide these efforts have been encouraged by groups trying to defuse Obama For America efforts at organizing the disenchanted younger impatient voters. It sounds wonderful hearing the “Let’s just work together” clap trap but this is usually covertly financed by hyper-partisians.

    Have your party, enjoy yourselves but understand this is just an effort to pretend to care about the issues actually important to everyday Americans. When these ALEC-TeaBaggers return to office, your youth based concerns will be crushed once again.

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