‘Guest Poster’ contributed;

Mama Mia our intrepid SOS Gant is busy guy. When does he have time to actually be a Secretary of State? The guy is like a big bowl of spaghetti with him the big meatball. How many Political Action Committees does one candidate need, to funnel money into his own campaign and a few special friends? As we discussed yesterday, Dusty Johnson appears to have only his campaign committee but Jason has had so many. It can be confusing. Jason, has it been your intention to keep everyone from knowing what you were up to all along?

A Note from our search committee: Everyone should understand a few details when you are curious about who is who, in South Dakota money games. The SOS website is a fountain of information if you really want to find something.  It was poorly built from the beginning to confuse. With the assistance of his past web guru PP, it is still a mess, but of a different order.  It appears to have been intentionally setup to keep the loose ends from ever coming together. SD campaign finance and reporting laws appear to be almost nonexistent and also what there is, are easily manipulated.

But back to our story… Let’s see, since 2004 Jason has had his original Gant for Senate campaign. Then to funnel more money, he set up the SD Senate Republican Campaign Committee to help out of state ALEC donors. Now we find the during first month in the SOSoffice in 2011, he setup the Committed to Victory PAC to receive money from organizations like ES&S (Vote tabulation machine company) and a Pierre based SOS / GOP website developer operator, BPRO, Inc. (scroll down to State/City/government)


Another interesting part of this we are looking into, are the ways money flows back and forth between certain campaigns.  What are they doing? The links between Gant’s PAC activity and so much more is taking us deeper into the Spaghetti Monster’s kitchen.

Stay tuned, this is just the tip of the iceberg ….

OTHER GOODIES, Here is a proposal BPRO prepared for the state.


One Thought on “Is Gant our SOS or the Flying Spaghetti Monster of PAC money?

  1. Pingback: Why are two of the largest SOS’s office contractors donating thousands to Jason Gant’s PAC? — South DaCola

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