It is being held at Morningside Community Center. I have been told the meeting is going to get ‘interesting’. I think some citizens from the Spellerberg neighborhood will be attending . . .
UPDATE: I guess the Parks board approved going forward with the indoor pool at Spellerberg today at the meeting. I guess about 6 proponents showed up to the meeting and about 14 opponents showed up.
sorry man. not interesting. Dig deeper on Gant.
I thought I was banned here. Testing. Testing. Banned here for saying “Jabba the Gant.” Testing. Testing.
Grud, you can stay as long as you don’t talk about butt sex.
Sorry – I am a proponent – but I also work during this time. It’s not hard to show up and be an opponent when you’re retired with nothing else to do.
They’re going to do it no matter the public’s dissent. We got steps into the river without any public notice. We are getting a pool too. The objective is to get smaller projects happening with events center money. Easier to tap kickbacks. In a year, surprise no events center start because funds were used for other priorities.
Alice15 says…..
It’s not hard to show up and be an opponent when you’re retired with nothing else to do.
Based on my experience, when you’re taking on a cause, it’s always good to be underestimated…..
Alice 15 stay tuned………
Wonder if anyone caught the esteemed publisher of our local newspaper today call the drake springs pool a ‘fiasco’ during his video interview of Michelle Erpenbach. I asked him if he thought citizens deciding if they want an indoor or outdoor pool in an election was a fiasco? So much for our local paper supporting the democratic process and voting.
I listened to a replay of the video.
Very IRRESPONSIBLE position for the publisher of our community’s only newspaper to take given that this issue was decided by a public vote!!
Those that take the time “to show up” get to make the decision!
The initiative process has been a part of our State’s constitution for over one hundred years. The Drake Springs issue was the first time that this process was used in the City of Sioux Falls.
Mr. Beck, how about showing some respect for the process?!!
And, BTW, I’m guessing the “community discussion” revolving around Drake Springs, probably helped you sell a few newspapers!!
additional clarification to my previous comment:
this was the first time the initiative process had been used in the City of Sioux Falls ON A MUNICIPAL ISSUE.