South DaCola

The AL Editorial Board seems to have trouble with math

“They didn’t provide us calculators in journalism school. (Argus Leader media screenshot)”

I’m no math wizard myself, but if the Argue Endorser’s ED Board thinks we can build an indoor pool for $6 million, they need to go take some finance courses at Colorado Tech;

That makes the aquatics center project, which is listed as a $6.7 million facility on the mayor’s budget, logical.

Actually, that is a typo, it is listed at $7.3 million on the mayor’s budget, but let’s not get worried over semantics just aquatics.

The ‘Actual’ cost of the indoor pool at Spellerberg hasn’t even been released to the public, but if you take into account that the Drake Springs indoor pool was supposed to cost $12 million, inflation and the fact that the Spellerberg pool is larger and more complicated, your looking at about $20 million for the facility on the low end.

As for the neighborhood coming together;

This time, it is nice to see citizen leadership, a healthy exchange of ideas and the promise to continue to listen.

Well, that isn’t what DaCola has been hearing. There is already a strong opposition group, and if the council and mayor plan to shove this through, you may see another election, which AL’s Publisher calls ‘fiasco’s’ (Watch this interview with councilor Erpenbach in which Beck called citizens voting on an indoor facility a fiasco.)

But let’s move onto other recreational facilities in Sioux Falls.

Indoor tennis facility
Project details: Seven-court indoor facility at the Sanford Sports Complex, with the potential to expand to eight courts.
Total estimated cost: $3 million
Private fundraising: $750,000 so far. The chamber-approved fundraising campaign begins in April.
Public funding: The 2013 city capital improvement plan budget includes $500,000, pending City Council approval next month.

Talk about a blatant conflict of interest on the mayor’s part! His wife is the president of the SF Tennis Association! It would be like me asking for the city to fund a Boston Terrier dog park if I were mayor. What a bunch of hogwash.

Either you support this stuff or not, go vote at;

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