South DaCola

The SF school district continues to mislead, and Stehly continues to set the record straight on sub teacher pay increases

Please read these documents FIRST to have a better understanding of this situation: school board

The SF school district sent out a letter to subs, which they received on Saturday, saying Stehly was giving out false information about how subs were being paid in other districts. Actually, she was giving out the correct information, the SF school district was NOT. They even bragged about it in the letter;

“Because we value and appreciate our substitute teachers, we wanted you to have complete and accurate information.”

Stehly requested and received the CORRECT information today from the Harrisburg School District;

Stehly’s letter to the school board members says it all (it was postmarked today, Monday, August 6);

“All of our elected officials must always work to ensure that we foster a spirit of open, caring and transparent government. The Media also plays a very important part in ensuring the public that all activity that concerns our tax dollars and governmental policy is full of integrity and honesty.”

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