South DaCola

Let’s get this (snowgate) party started

Kermit Staggers signing the snowgates petition at tonight’s meeting.

The city is already starting to put up ‘roadblocks’ or should I say ‘snowgates’. The mayor claims he will get snowgates implemented (even though he needs council approval). The city clerk thinks there will be no challengers in the school board election, so no need for an election (even though I have had four names given to me of people that are possibly running). The city attorney also wants to take a peek at the initiative language. Go for it! Former AG Mark Meierhenry helped edit the initiative language (not Pro-Bono), I would put Mark’s expertise of state law up against David Fiddle-Faddle any day of the week.

Stehly told me that 30 volunteers attended the meeting tonight, and many stepped up to help out in other ways.

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