South DaCola

SF Charter Revision Commission member De Knudson, defender of open and transparent government?

The charter revision commision decided today to make their meetings ‘working sessions’ and have them in the commons room instead of the main room (so they won’t be recorded) The public can still attend and give input. Surprisingly enough Knudson was the only member who defended keeping the meetings recorded. She argued most people will be working at the 3:30 PM time they hold the meetings, and they should be able to view them later on the internets. She said it was about ‘Openness and Transparency’ in government. Bravo De! The working sessions, where they will make changes to the city charter in the unrecorded meetings can be attended by the public. And when they finally vote on the changes at the end of the year, they will be recorded.

When De suggested that all the meetings should be recorded, you didn’t hear a peep out of the rest of the members, except that it will be ‘easier’ for them to work in the other room, one member said ‘they liked the table’ in the Ante room. I think after last year’s SNAFU, the CRC wants to keep what they are doing on the lowdown. This is unfortunate. KUDOS to Knudson for a least making an attempt at keeping the meetings recorded.

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