I got CC’d in an email from Ernie Otten to Michael Larson (debate coordinator). It seems Otten is blaming Democrats for not wanting to get back to Larson about the dates available and not wanting to combine debates;

Michael, we thank you for taking the initiative to schedule this debate in Lennox.My Republican House candidates and I believe that setting a different precedent for this debate is neither fair nor even-handed to the constituents of Lennox.  Debates are already set up in Harrisburg and Tea that include all the District 6 House and Senate candidates for 90 minutes (and include the County Commissioners).

District 6 contains many busy families with young children.  In deference to them, and communicated in earlier emails, we’d agreed to one combined debate, for 90-minutes (formal or informal) in Lennox.  Busy, but interested families shouldn’t have to set aside two different school nights for separate debates when one 90-min format works well in Harrisburg and Tea.

Please work with the candidates on the Democratic ticket to choose one date for a combined House and Senate 90-min debate (either Sept 24th or Oct 2nd) as soon as possible. This gives District 6 constituents a choice of three dates to fit their schedules.


And as you can see he CC’d me and Cory Madville;

To: Michael.Larson@k12.sd.us
Cc: hermanottendist6@iw.net, isaac@latterellconsulting.com,

MJPoppens@gmail.com, “Joel Arends\”\” <joel@arendslaw.com>, rschriever@hotmail.com, joe306@iw.net, \”Cory Allen Heidelberger\” <coralhei@lakeherman.org>, \”Scott Ehrisman” <fb.art@sio.midco.net>

What is interesting about this is that Schriever’s and Weis’ email addresses, while listed, were not CC’d, just listed, not sure why? Would it be to bring the appearance that they were being contacted? Not sure?

Michael did respond to Otten;

Mr. Ernie Otten,

While I do not understand the refusal to allow for a debate format that would allow candidates to directly debate opponents, I believe that having something is better than having nothing.  The Democrats have stated that they would be willing to debate any format and to just let them know the date.  I am sure that they will be willing to accommodate to the schedule and format.  I will devise a new format that would incorporate up to six candidates on stage.  (Although, no one has heard from Michael Jauron, so I am under the assumption that he will not be attending.)  The only date that will work for a combined event is September 24.

I would appreciate if all candidates could send a quick e-mail notice to me to confirm that they will or will not be attending.  I have received no communications from either Michael Jauron or Isaac Latterell.  This will help me greatly in the planning process.

I would also like to personally invite the county commissioner candidates to the event.  I would like to introduce them to the crowd and allow for people to talk with them after the debates.

Sincerely, Michael Larson

Lennox High School



By l3wis

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11 thoughts on “The Debate over the District 6 debate”
  1. I noticed something in this note I have been seeing in other places the last few elections. Why do we always blame the children? “District 6 contains many busy families with young children.” What a bunch of B.S. Anyone with any interest would make the arrangements necessary to attend on whatever night. This is not a school board or PTA election, bring the kids and let them see what it takes to run a democracy.

    There are many other people in the district who want to ask questions. Why blame the kids? Do the questions only pertain to children’s issues or is the child-like mentality of the candidates who do not want to answer the questions?

    Ernie and the TeaBaggers have to understand what it takes to govern if they want to be part of the process.

  2. Anytime I hear a candidate say “Think of children” I just tune them out. How about “Think about the taxpayer”

  3. As you can see, the date has been set for Monday, September 24 from 7:00-8:30. While the specific format has not been written, I have had agreement to attend has been given to me by all three Republicans. I am sure the Mr. Weis and Mr. Schriever will also be there. I encourage all people to attend this debate being held at Lennox High School, even if you can make the forums in Tea or Harrisburg. It will not be the same format as the forums and will reflect more of a traditional debate format.

  4. Wow, do I feel like a idiot. I am glad that you pointed this out to me. I was confident that I had included both Joe and Richard in the response. I guess that must have been the original draft I was working on and not the one that got sent out. I have sent the original response to both Richard and Joe. I am glad you caught this. (Tries to wipe the egg off his face.)

  5. BTW: The plan is to also record the debate (possibly stream it live) and post on youtube. If you want, I will send the link once it is up and running.

    Thanks again for pointing out the e-mail debacle.

  6. Interesting: I contacted Otten when I received the e-mail and asked if I could quote this interesting text. He said he didn’t want any more publicity from me. O.K.

    The argument that every debate has to follow the same format is silly. Different formats help show different strengths and weaknesses.

    And where is this Michael Jauron character, anyway?:

  7. Mike – Would love to link it, or at least post the YouTube video after the debate is recorded. Thanks for your hard work in setting this debate up.

    Cory – If Otten didn’t want anymore publicity from either me or you, why did he continue to CC us? What did he think I would do with these emails? Print them out and line a birdcage?

  8. If I received a request to refrain from publicity, I’d make damn sure that I wrote tons and tons on the person. But I’m also an ass.

  9. Everyone except Michael Jauron has accepted to the debate in Lennox on September 24. It will be recorded and posted on Youtube. Still waiting to see about the possibility of streaming it live. I am finalizing format (again) with the idea that five candidates will be on the stage. There will be a list of prepared questions for the candidates and God willing (and the lunch ladies helping), coffee and cookies for after the debate.

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