19 Thoughts on “Two Peas in a Pod

  1. Oh nooooooo, did Manny dump Orly Titz for Snooki?

  2. She better not bend over in that top, the neckline looks awfully lose for as low cut as it is. lol

  3. She better be careful her buddies at the Values Voter Summit might give her the boot for wearing revealing clothes. They best give her their “Modesty Matters” flyer.
    Next they will want American women to wear burkas.

  4. I could about imagine how the convo between those two went. I wonder if they spoke in tongues?

  5. There are Steele signs all over my neighborhood. I’m not a fan.

  6. What? Aren’t you pro Family and Guns?

  7. We got new neighbors 2 weeks ago, and they already have not one, but two Steele signs up and a Mitt sticker on the car. So much for my warm “welcome to the neighborhood”.

  8. Oh, yeah. South Dakota – home of the Stepford Candidates…

  9. I have butted heads on the phone and by email with Steele a few times, as he is from my district. BooHooHoo!!!

  10. I think it is funny how he is such a homophobe yet has an openly gay son.

  11. Concerned Liberal on September 15, 2012 at 10:14 pm said:

    I live in SD and District 12. HELP!!!!

  12. CL – and other concerned liberals – move to District 6. 🙂

  13. It doesn’t matter what district you live in, Republicans run the legislature.

  14. Is that Noem’s SE area director Ms. Venus in the background? I met her once at a lunch and she was one of the most pleasant people I’ve ever met… I’ll give Manny credit for being a nice guy. Noem needs to work on the friendly part.

  15. Manny and Hal Wick work hard getting signs out. They are everywhere every two years. – So far there aren’t any Noem signs anywhere in the state.

  16. Ha! Manny works hard at signs…..ya other peoples signs.

  17. The discussions that I have had with Steele and Wick are over abortion.

  18. Noem doesn’t have to do anything. She will beat Varilek by AT LEAST 12 points of more.

  19. I like in District 12 as well and will not be voting for Manny! I’m happy we have a great alternative in Knudson.

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