South DaCola

Is a SD legislative candidate ‘volunteering’ employees for their campaign?

And promising a work promotion in return?

A South DaCola foot soldier told me, what they claim to be a firsthand account, of a legislative candidate telling an employee that they manage that they could get special promotions if they did some campaign work for them. The person asked to do the work is from the opposing party and does not live in the candidate’s district. But to get the promotion, they are allegedly doing canvassing for the candidate and have been seen working on campaign mailers at their work desk.

From what I was told, the person being asked to do this is doing because they feel they have no choice but to do it so they can get the promotion they want. Also, other employees there are uncomfortable with the idea that the quid pro quo to get something at their place of employment is by working on their manager’s campaign.

Of course this is nothing concrete (I am still trying to get someone to go on the record).

I do know the name of the candidate, and their place of employment. But before I release that information, I am wondering if anybody reading this either works with the candidate or the employee and could share more information?

Some of the employees are considering filing an internal complaint or speaking with the AG about the issue.

My suggestion to them (besides giving Detroit Lewis more details) is to file an internal complaint with their employer’s corporate office. While I don’t think the candidate is breaking any state laws when it comes to campaigning and volunteering, it certainly is unethical (which we all know is not illegal in SD). But their place of employment may frown on this kind of management black mail, manipulation, abuse of power and harassment.

I’m just sayin’


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