South DaCola

Snowgates: A campaign of mis-information?

Once snowgates get on the ballot I plan to post as much as possible about the benefits of these devices, and put out facts about how cities across the nation have used these devices successfully for decades with minor complications.

I’m not naive, I have no doubt in my mind that certain city directors, snow removal contractors and snowplow operators will be busy blocking the facts about snowgates with a big berm of ice junks of their own. What has surprised me is that the campaign might have already begun.

I heard a rumor today that some directors at city hall have already been holding pow-wows about snowgates with city employees at the public works garage. The rumor is that they are having ‘small sessions’ with city employees about their ineffectiveness.

I hope this isn’t true, but if it is, it is unfortunate and unfair to voters who may be undecided about snowgates.

I suggest city employees do their own research on how well these devices work and the many benefits they provide including the economic impact it will have in their paychecks.

*If any city employee that support snowgates would like to share more information about these supposed meetings with me, even anonymously, drop me a line;

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