South DaCola

What State Senator has ALEC invested in this year? (Guest Poster)

Oh the joys of SOS Gant’s elections website during the finance filing season. We still maintain this website is an example of how not to setup a public access ‘open’ data records system.  It takes a bit of effort to get to this list.  When your query is exported out, the data is almost unusable to the regular person trying to gain an understanding.  Here is a preliminary estimation of which SD State Senator is either owned or being ‘rented’ by ALEC this year.

We all remember the PAC setup up by our esteemed SOS Jason “BK” Gant to sway past elections for ALEC, Republican Senate Campaign Committee (RSCC). This year BK transferred the committee to Senators Russell Olson and Corey Brown to run.   Why is this important to us?  If elected, the listed 19 candidates plus the 2 Senator officers are going to force ALEC model legislation on our citizens.  There is no If, And, or But: the 21 senators will have to vote for any John Birch Society based measure sent to them by the Koch Brothers, Altira, Pfizer, Eli Lilly and any number of other anti-citizen financers.  This is the way the GOP runs to keep the money flowing to them.   Pay particular attention to who is not on the list and add your comments.  Note Dan Lederman is not on the list, his Rushmore PAC is also an extension of ALEC through the donations received and given to members of the following list.

According to SOS Gant’s website, just for this general election, $72,000 is being invested.  This does not include the additional $2,500.00 invested for the June primary.  Where do you think the poorly written and executed Ballot measures came from?  These anti-citizen ALEC model legislation sessions our state government paid members to attend to learn how to screw us.

Of this $72,000.00 investment, the national ALEC organization through their subsidiary Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) directly sent $15,000.00.  We now have Mike Rounds and Todd Schlekeway using their campaign funds to team up and assist this ALEC organization.  Very brazen, very bad we now have our former governor showing how shallow he is by teaming up with the rest at the feeding trough of corrupt money.

Cory Madville also covered this today, but missed a few things.


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