In the John Birch Society – ALEC model of limited public participation we have the examples of what to look forward to.  Good Luck to anyone who tries to vote in the future. If this is allowed to continue.  Do no pay casual attention to Gant’s press releases of Yankton County success.  The fear of election rights advocates is coming true across the United States, the abuse of the system by the Koch Brother’s ALEC and their assorted friends are destroying our electoral system.

It does not matter what we do on election days if the people who count the votes do not allow us to vote.  Look at the following headline grabbed from Huffington Post on Monday morning, this will be South Dakota with our hyper partisan SOS Gant.

To paraphrase Joseph Stalin, it does not matter who votes, it only matters who counts the vote.  Be careful when you vote this year in South Dakota and for most, enjoy the last local  vote you will actually try to record.  Gant is planning our state’s move to Intercivic electronic voting systems where the totals can be manipulated from anywhere in the world without a trace.  Intercivic, ES&S, GSS&S, Sequoia, Premiere and any number of other players leave security of our country’s voting to whoever counts the vote.  South Dakota must return to 100% paper ballots counted by people, no machines allowed.

GOP Ballot Tampering Investigated in Oregon

Voter Suppression: Florida Early Voting Fiasco, Voters Wait For Hours At Polls As Rick Scott Refuses To Budge

Virginia Republican voter fraud case expands to focus on GOP firm associated with the infamous Nathan Sproul

Voter Suppression Update From Ohio: Cleveland Early Voting Lines Run For Blocks In The Cold

FL Voter Purge Disenfranchises Active Duty Military Troops

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “A Preview of Gant’s centralized voting and control… (Guest Poster)”
  1. The pollbooks that Yankton is using merely looks up the voters’ names more quickly. The voters still receive paper ballots. The ballots can be then be counted any way a jurisdiction wants. Let’s not let a good story get in the way of the facts.

  2. CC and all, Yankton is using the centralized voting center system this year. This is designed to remove any local control of who plus how they vote. Computerized anything in today’s voting is for the ease of corrupting the process. Gant is part of the ALEC process. Wake up all sheeple to the mess being perpetrated on us.

  3. My hopes have been raised a little bit in this regard by the long, long lines of people standing in line and not being intimidated in both Florida and Ohio. Why do we only see these long lines in black, and non white neighborhoods? That answer is obvious.

    Thought I heard in a short news blurb on one of the local networks about Indies and Dems being mailed improper voting information a few days ago. Not heard anything about it since. Was there more to this story, or just a case of “Move along, nothing to see here.”

  4. My spouse and I voted last week. This morning, as I watch the “news”, I get the same feeling I had 4 years ago. Obama will win more easily than the media has made it out to be. Those long lines are inspiring. I just can’t see a fifty-fifty split in people willing to wait that long.

  5. Apparently the brains of the Democratic Party in South Dakota decided to help their own voters and sent out a voter guide to Democrats with the wrong polling place information. Another self-inflicted wound.

  6. Another Gant failure.

    His website states the county election office must receive the application for ballot by 3 pm Election Day. Nowhere on that page does it state the actual law which continues with, the ballot must then be received by 7 pm Election Day.

    This is very disappointing. I made the decision to absentee last Thursday based upon that statement. The SOS office affirms I was not alone in making that decision and….well…..they will be working to correct that AFTER the election.

    So….. I will spend the morning getting out the vote to make up for our votes not cast. Thanks Jason, you never cease to amaze me on how inept a person can be and still hold this important office.

  7. I hope one of these days to research the money trail beyond ALEC. I’m sure the roots end with the IMF world bank which starts a curve to brainwash through it’s Agenda 21 to connections to the US Chamber of Commerce. I don’t know but it’s been explained that way. There are set goals to have total vote control and the players such as Koch or Buffet who toss out the funds are rewarded in more ways than one.
    You have to wonder why these low end minions such as Gant go along with this as they are always the ones who are expendable. The upper crust will set the Gant figures up just to cover their trail when needed. Pretty stupid..
    One state law I would like to pass. California doesn’t allow for the photo of their SOS on the state website. Is that something we could pass??

  8. Senator Stan, is the removal of Constitutional officer’s photos from web and stationary possible?

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