South DaCola

A Preview of Gant’s centralized voting and control… (Guest Poster)

In the John Birch Society – ALEC model of limited public participation we have the examples of what to look forward to.  Good Luck to anyone who tries to vote in the future. If this is allowed to continue.  Do no pay casual attention to Gant’s press releases of Yankton County success.  The fear of election rights advocates is coming true across the United States, the abuse of the system by the Koch Brother’s ALEC and their assorted friends are destroying our electoral system.

It does not matter what we do on election days if the people who count the votes do not allow us to vote.  Look at the following headline grabbed from Huffington Post on Monday morning, this will be South Dakota with our hyper partisan SOS Gant.

To paraphrase Joseph Stalin, it does not matter who votes, it only matters who counts the vote.  Be careful when you vote this year in South Dakota and for most, enjoy the last local  vote you will actually try to record.  Gant is planning our state’s move to Intercivic electronic voting systems where the totals can be manipulated from anywhere in the world without a trace.  Intercivic, ES&S, GSS&S, Sequoia, Premiere and any number of other players leave security of our country’s voting to whoever counts the vote.  South Dakota must return to 100% paper ballots counted by people, no machines allowed.

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Virginia Republican voter fraud case expands to focus on GOP firm associated with the infamous Nathan Sproul

Voter Suppression Update From Ohio: Cleveland Early Voting Lines Run For Blocks In The Cold

FL Voter Purge Disenfranchises Active Duty Military Troops

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