South DaCola

Just a few post 2012 election thoughts (Guest Poster & Detroit Lewis)


It has been amazing how many people invested so much hope in the non-Christian Presidential candidate from Utah and in abusive ballot issues they are saying Americans should not be allowed to vote. On Wednesday and Thursday the collective voice of the defeated want the 99% voice silenced. The bitterness of the Rush / Hannity / O’Reilly / Rove listeners and followers is astounding. Everybody lost on something on Tuesday and everyone won something. Most of all the system won, now deal with it.

Found variations of this headline circulating the South Dakota press since Tuesday: Daugaard Reacts To Defeated Ballot Issues. Sure he did. The under qualified Governor dreamed up ill-conceived plans to wreak havoc on his citizens and he is mad at us. But you know, this is not just a South Dakota situation. This is the national GOP (Grumpy Old People) party meme post 2012 election.

The shock and awe of what happened nationwide is still causing the bloodletting to get more intense and painful. Look at what the shocked GOP US Senator from Wisconsin had to say about it: “If you aren’t properly informed, if you don’t understand the problems facing this nation, you are that much more prone to falling prey to demagoguing solutions. And the problem with demagoguing solutions is they don’t work,” Johnson said. “I am concerned about people who don’t fully understand the very ugly math we are facing in this country.” This of course is the Wisconsin senatorial election aftermath which will require him to serve with the 1st openly lesbian US senator, Tammy Baldwin.

In other words, we Americans spoiled the plans of the 1% by electing people we wanted and not believing the billions of dollars wasted by the 1% on crumby ads and lies. Did the GOP and the rich not understand people did not want lies. Did they not believe the average American could see the destruction of what is left of their dreams for a middle class lifestyle? Nationwide, the 1% thought they had dumbed down America to the level we would just accept the lies.

If you have seen the Karl Rove meltdown from election night, it is classic. He spun and spun trying to pretend the facts were wrong and we should believe his ‘facts’. He was so confident of his lies, he even believed them himself. So we have our half governor out in Pierre, only watching Faux News, being upset because his precious pet programs are no more. Yes, the GOP won big on election night in outh Dakota in the legislature but this is only because of the incompetence of the Democratic Party.

Karl Rove is a good salesmen / con-man. He was able to take some of the richest people in American for $300,000,000.00. He can retire now on the percentage he stands to make from this shell game he played. Let’s say he only skims 10% off the top for himself for his management ‘fees’, this is 30 million dollars in his already fat pockets. He had nothing to lose this year because the money was already spent. If he is done with American politics (which I doubt) he could just go somewhere and hide with his money. He will rise again and spread his vial with a plan to skim more money from his marks.


What would I like to see out of Obama in his second term? Well, here is my dream list. Get out of Afghanistan. Stay out of the pissing match between Israel and Iran. Reform Obamacare  by implementing single-payer. Legalize marijuana on a federal level for recreational use, tax the crap out of it and pull us out of this economic shit hole. Change the tax structure so we are taxing the super wealthy at double the tax rate.

If  Obama accomplishes at least one of those things, I would be happy. Romney would have been disastrous to our country, I am not saying Obama is some kind of economic genius, but he certainly wouldn’t take a sledgehammer to the middle-class like Romney would have.

As for the state races, I would like to congratulate a few winners. Hajek, Buhl, Feinstein, to name a few. But what I can’t figure out is
why South Dakotans re-elected the same people who supported the governor’s ill-conceived legislation that brought so many measures to the ballot. If you truly want fewer measures on the ballot, elect and require your legislators to represent you. It just seems a bit counterproductive to elect people who write and pass legislation that is not in our best interest. It gets a little old voting on these measures every election cycle because we have elected self-serving legislators. Wake up South Dakota. We need party balance in Pierre. The over 30 years of the GOP chokehold on us needs to end. Stop electing these yahoos.

As for local politics, one thing to watch will be the snowgate election (hopefully this Spring). Stehly, chair of the petition drive tells me that when they turn them in they will be hovering at around 9,000 signatures. twice as many that is needed. Bravo.

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