A snowgate petition gatherer volunteer told me today that they asked mayor Huether to sign the petition today at the county administration building and he declined. Apparently he was there to vote, not to sign the petition 🙂

I see the SF School District contract is finally going to be discussed in tomorrow’s informational meeting.

4 Thoughts on “Snowgates; Does the mayor support the petition drive?

  1. anominous on November 6, 2012 at 9:06 am said:

    He was just being prudent. He needs a couple years worth of studies first to determine if pens actually work before he will commit to using one.

  2. That, and there was no camera there to capture the moment.

  3. Pathloss on November 7, 2012 at 8:37 am said:

    You got him figured out. He’ll come on board once he hires 3 or so 100K consultants to recommend renaming snowgates Sanfords. He needs the price of the need in the form of kickbacks before he goes along with anything. His castle needs a moat and alligators.

  4. Analog Kid on November 7, 2012 at 4:37 pm said:

    He’s so cheezy looking!

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