The petition drive is winding down, and Stehly has asked me to put up a public notice. If you have any petitions in your possession, please get them notarized ASAP and to her by NOVEMBER 20. It will be important to get a true count before turning them in. You can either mail them to her or drop them off at her home.

Thank you!

*(We hope to be at the 9,000 mark when we turn them in)

3 Thoughts on “Snowgates: Public Notice

  1. Pathloss on November 11, 2012 at 8:21 pm said:

    I fear Munchkin Mike will find a trick to prevent snowgates going to a vote. Unanimous public opinion doesn’t work for his ego. Time to lease a frontloader and pile snow on the steps of city hall.

  2. Dan Daily on November 11, 2012 at 8:36 pm said:

    Imagine 9,000 citizens making angels in the snow piled around city hall. City civil procedures are unconstitutional. There’s no prosecution. Invite snowboarders if Great Bear lacks snow? Mike should join. He should start getting used to downhill.

  3. Angry Guy on November 12, 2012 at 8:18 am said:

    He’s talking to himself again…

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