Jeff Mann – All things Tattoo. KELO-TV Screenshot

So the mayor has this crazy idea that he wants a re-vote on Vishnu Bunny’s malt beverage license;

Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether wants the city council to reconsider its approval of Vishnu Bunny’s malt beverage license. City councilors say that’s not likely.

Silly boy, everyone knows tattoos are for adults.

“I will not be bringing the issue back,” Entenman said, “We want to know about the security plan. He told us about the security plan. He had to submit one when he applied for the license,” Entenman said.

The license means the business can serve any time. During Tuesday’s city council meeting, the owner said he planned to sell just once a month during downtown First Fridays. According to the city council members, it’s not uncommon to own a license and use it sparingly. They also say with years of experience, the business knows the ramifications of serving alcohol while tattooing customers.

There is a reason Jeff asked for this license, I am guessing he was tired of giving away FREE malt beverages on First Fridays. That’s it, no hidden ‘artist’ agenda. It amazes me that in other (most) countries artists are on the same level as clergy, but for some reason in this country we are revered as druggies and criminals. What amazes me is that the mayor was at Vishnu’s grand opening, in fact we had a long convo about piercings (I brought the topic up – point of reference, and for the record, I have NO tattoos or piercings, but find the art form fascinating). During the event, the mayor was enjoying a malt beverage, compliments of said business.

Mike knows this place is safe, he got a full tour of the establishment. I suggest he doesn’t worry about flower and cheese shops and let’s this issue drop.

By l3wis

22 thoughts on “Seems some DT business owners need a little cheese with their WHINE”
  1. This also reveals how ‘two-faced’ the mayor is. And I don’t mean to sound all ‘grade-school’. But he will tell you something to your face, and flip the next day. He was having a blast at Jeff’s opening, and to tell you the truth, he was kinda pleasurable to be around. He also revealed all sorts of things about his family that was actually interesting, but not controversial. I think sometimes I would grow to like Mike if he wasn’t so guarded and driven.

  2. Sounds like somebody’s gearing up for a Gubernatorial or Senate bid (not to mention re-election to his current job). Gotta figure them “crazy” tatted/pierced artist types don’t come across with the heavy contributions…

  3. Craig, no shit, huh? In the over 10 years I have been following the council there has NEVER been a re-vote that I can remember. I do know that certain items have been sent BACK to a committee or the planning commission, but never a re-vote. Jamison tried to get it sent back because of the address mess-up, and they voted it down. So what is done, is done.

  4. I wonder if a certain cigar bar moron who thinks he runs downtown is actually behind this. He’s been known to force proxies to make his opinion known.

  5. My friends and I volunteer for Hot Harley Nights each year. 2 of my friends were assigned to wristband duty and were walking down Phillips carding and wrist-banding for the event. The 2 young people came back to the event tent in tears. They encountered Mr. Cigar on the sidewalk. He told them “get the hell out of here with those things”. The volunteers told them it’s for the fundraiser and retorted “I don’t give a shit, they don’t make me any money”.

    I sent a letter to the editor of the Argus the next week and included the Mayor. The Argus returned with the excuse that this wass hearsay and they were unable to print. The Mayor did not reply and the following year we were told that writst-banding must be done on site.

    I have also been told by aemployeesthat he cooks the books to make his cigar sales look high in order to keep his smoking ban amnesty. He rings up a portion of his beers sales as cigars.

    Mr. Cigar is SCUM. And I refuse to support the downtown scam while he’s their leader.

  6. How he has so much power is beyond me. I have a friend who was going to open a bar a few years ago. He did everything that he could have done to introduce himself as a good neighbor, and every business in a two block radius (including cigar bar boy) signed a support letter. Then the day before they were to go before the planning commission, the irish store owner called and said he was pulling his support. Further prodding found that Cigar Boy was putting pressure on his fellow Phillips Ave retailers to make sure this place didn’t open, and when pressed he admitted he signed it just to see what their plan was.

  7. A re-vote……!!??

    Anyone who objected to this license being granted had AMPLE OPPORTUNITIES to voice their concerns BEFORE the Council vote took place!!

  8. He was given the license. It can be revoked if there’s a problem later. Is this another mayor’s mafia-like protection money scam?

  9. He can serve without a license. Sell tokens then take them as barter. The city has no way to stop him. Courts do not recognize city civil procedures. If they take him to court, he can motion to dismiss. More than a few have used this tactic lately.

  10. This will be a much welcomed addition to downtown Sioux Falls… is time that everyone recognizes that downtown should be a destination for ALL, not just the elitists that typically hang out down there. Many of us just don’t go down there because we are not a part of the “pointy head” crowd.

  11. Mike will send police Gestapo to shoot up his business. Not unusual. They shot 70 rounds at an unarmed man in a quiet neighborhood. Only 67 rounds were fired at Kent State in ’68. We know you’re gonna gun us down. At least give SFPD firearms training so they don’t shoot Huether groupies by accident.

  12. STFUCKUP Plaintiff Guy! Someone DIED in that shooting incident and ONCE AGAIN you are bringing it up in an unrelated discussion to further your crazy claims about home rule and the heavy hand of the local govt.
    You really need to get a grip. Seriously, Go away. Please.

  13. PL – I think I am going to take AG’s side on this one. That ship has sailed. I’m sure there has been much embarrassment (and hopefully reavaluation) at PD headquarters over turning neighborhood houses into swiss cheese.

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