South DaCola

In less then a week, I have to say it again, Sioux Falls, stop being skanks.

(Image: KELO-TV screenshot)

People who steal art are skanks. Especially people who steal art from charity events;

“It’s not like it happened to me, they stole from charity,” Zebell said.

The “Artist Fighting Hunger” event is meant for artists throughout the community to get exposure and raise money for Feeding South Dakota. The artists in charge of “Artist Against Hunger” are shocked.

There are many crimes that have many levels of punishment, etc. But I have often thought thieves should get extra time. I quit a job this past year, and I had several reasons why, besides being underpaid and overworked (literally) and management and owners being greedy and nasty. Something happened shortly before I quit. A select few of the staff (including myself) were being investigated for skimming the till. This is frustrating for a couple of reasons; 1) When your employer doesn’t trust you, it creates tension and distrust for both you and your employer, and 2) One of my co-workers was a thief, and they were getting me in hot water. There is nothing more embarrassing then being brought in a room and being questioned about stealing. Nothing. While I felt the questioning and the camera investigation was handled very well, I felt the aftermath was a total sham. Once they figured out what happened (I don’t have the full story to this day, but as I understand it, it was sloppy accounting, and the rounding up or down of CC tips) there was never an apology to employees for accusations.

Don’t steal. But more importantly, if you suspect someone is stealing, take the high road and just ask them to stop. This is what they are asking of the latest incident;

In both these cases, neither parties contacted authorities they just want their priceless pieces back.

“I hope they have a change of heart and give it back,” Zebell said.

“They can return it, they can walk in here, put a bag on the floor and I won’t ask a question, just get it back to the people who rightfully own it,” Bormes said.

Sioux Falls, stop being skanks. I see they didn’t even attempt to steal Bettie

(Image: KELO-TV screenshot)

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