On Tuesday SF city councilors will vote on holding the snowgate election this Spring. (They conveniently put the resolution as Item #31 at the bottom of the agenda – which is fine, because they will have to stare at us snowgaters for an hour or so before public testimony – and we are bringing props!)
This is precedent for several reasons. Not just for the number of signatures that were turned in, in such short period of time (7,000 valid in 10 weeks) but good government and common sense would tell us that an election of this scope should be held ASAP. Denying a citizen driven petition a timely election would be a first in SD, as far as I can tell, and make the members of the council who vote NO, really look like a bunch of self-serving, self-interest jerks.
Oh, they will make the ‘We haven’t studied snowgates enough argument.’ (They have been around for over 40 years). And my other favorite ‘We haven’t budgeted for it OR even have the money.’ (The council and the mayor have the power, thru, ironically, resolutions to appropriate funds, reserves, and transfers, whenever they want to, and secondly have over $100 million to play with in the 1st penny operations fund) So when they spout this, they are flat out lying.
So here is the word on the street;
• Rolfing will not be in attendance (that leaves us seven councilors)
• Entenman and Karsky are FOR SURE NO votes.
• Aguilar is on the fence with Erpenbach (with Michelle leaning Yes).
Staggers, Anderson and Jamison are YES votes.
Huether, who would normally be the tie breaker has not taken a position, he is probably busy playing pickle ball or combing his hair, either way, I am sure he will follow the vote by saying, “Now this is government at work, people of Sioux Falls. Good Job!”
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the media isn’t covering this, because the average citizen doesn’t spend big advertising dollars with our media. And I know people think I am a conspiracy theorist for saying that, but I know how the small minds in this city work. Trust me, the Sales Manager and Managing Editor ARE talking to each other, even if the peon reporters are not.
There has also been this assumption that councilors are calling back citizens and responding to their questions about the election. Not happening as frequent as they would like you to think. I know of one councilor who has been left several messages from multiple constituents and has not returned one single call.
Here’s the deal, this isn’t about snowgates, it’s about responding to citizen’s requests to hold an election. That’s it. Heck, snowgates may fail, who knows?! We will have months to have that argument, allow us to have it!