South DaCola

What’s next for Longfellow? How about a public indoor swimming pool?

I have often been told the reason that the city and the school district have not gone in together on a public indoor pool is because, well, they don’t really work together on things. Yet magically, it was announced on Tuesday that the city and the school district are going to work together to come up with a use for Longfellow;

It’s possible Longfellow Elementary School could become city property after it closes in 2015, but the first step is determining a use for the 100,000-square-foot site.

The Sioux Falls School District — which is moving forward with consolidation plans — last week offered to transfer the property to the city or sell it for $1, Community Development director Darrin Smith told city councilors this week.

The next steps regarding a possible transfer include internal discussions with the 12 city department leaders, Smith said.

What a perfect opportunity to not only work together on a joint project, but to take a centrally located historical building and refab it!

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